Important Yellow Belt Six Sigma Interview Questions

Preparing for an interview is the same as preparing for the exam; so, it also needs a lot of preparation and hard work. However, the interview procedure is a bit different than clearing an exam, especially for Lean Six Sigma. You need to be prepared for Lean Six Sigma questions for the interview. For this purpose, you should first research the company, what kind of jobs they are offering, what their demands are, and work on your confidence level. You should have extensive information about the Lean Six Sigma certification levels, including Six Sigma green belt, white belt, yellow belt, black belt, and master black belt.

We will discuss the yellow belt lean Six Sigma interview questions in this blog to help you prepare for the interview. The Six Sigma yellow belt exam is popular for those candidates who are new to this methodology and have a relatively minor role, interest, or need to develop knowledge. Furthermore, we are here to help with – Yellow Belt Lean Six Sigma Interview questions. 

Continue reading to unlock your potential with Yellow Belt Lean Six Sigma Certification with us today!

Top Yellow Belt Six Sigma -Questions and Answers

What is Six Sigma?

Six Sigma is a process that provides organizations with the tools and techniques to improve the efficiency of their business processes. Raise in performance, and a decrease in process variations help reduce reduction and improve profits, employee morale, and the quality of products or services.

Describe the philosophical view of Six Sigma?

The philosophical approach of Six Sigma observes all work as procedures that can be defined, measured, analyzed, and controlled.

Describe the set of tools used by Six Sigma experts?

Six Sigma experts use qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques to form process improvement. These tools include statistical process control (SPC), control charts, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), and process mapping.

Explain the method of Six Sigma?

DMAIC is a rigorous and underlying approach to Six Sigma. Six Sigma practitioners follow DMAIC, which starts with identifying the problem and ends with implementing long-term fixes. Although DMAIC isn’t the only Six Sigma method, it’s the most widely used and recognized.

What is Statistical process control (SPC)?

Statistical process control (SPC) can be defined as using statistical techniques and methods to control a process or production method. This process and relevant tools can also help monitor process behaviors, discover internal systems issues, and find solutions for such matters.

What do you understand by the control chart?

A control chart is a kind of graph used to study how a process shows variations over time. It is also called Stewart Chart(a statistical process control chart). A control chart always has a central line for the average, an upper line for the upper control limit, and a lower line for the lower control limit.

What do you understand by Failure modes and effects analysis?

  • Failure Modes: That ways or modes which might lead to a failure. Failures are errors or defects that affect the customer and can be actual or potential.
  • Effect Analysis: That analysis includes studying the consequences of those failures.

What is Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma is a theory based on facts, a data-driven approach to reduce defect rate, and also values defect prevention over defect detection. It raises customer satisfaction and bottom-line results by reducing waste, Variation, and cycle time.

List the available options to an organization after implementing Six Sigma?

Once your organization decides to implement Six Sigma; you have two basic options,

  • First: Implement the Lean Six Sigma program
  • Last: Form a Six Sigma infrastructure

Mention the Six Sigma deployment benefits via projects?

  • In the first place, it provides a more significant impact through projects linked to bottom-line results.
  • Become more focused and productive with the tools
  • Analyzes and improves project management processes/strategies
  • Improves communication between management and practitioners
  • Provides a detailed understanding of critical business processes
  • Shows employees and managers how statistical tools can be useful
  • Allows Black Belts to receive feedback on their project approach during training

Define and describe the roles and responsibilities of Six Sigma team members?

  • Master Black Belt: Coaches and trains Black Belts and Green Belts. Serves as an internal consultant and Six Sigma technologist for an organization.
  • Black Belt: Leads projects that solve problems. Coaches and trains project teams.
  • Green Belt: Helps with data collection and analysis for Black Belt projects. Leads projects or teams.
  • Yellow Belt: Participates as a project team member. Reviews process improvements that support the project.
  • White Belt: Can work on local problem-solving teams that support overall projects but may not be part of a Six Sigma project team. Moreover, understands basic Six Sigma concepts from an awareness perspective.

Explain the role of Champions?

They help convey the company’s notion, mission, goals, and metrics to build its deployment plan and recognize individual projects. They also work to identify resources and make plans for removing roadblocks.

Explain the role of Executives?

Provide overall alignment by establishing the strategic focus of the Six Sigma program within the context of the organization’s culture and vision.

What is a Team?

A team is a bunch of people who perform interdependent tasks to accomplish a common mission or particular objective.

List the different types of Teams.

The three types of teams are listed as follows:

  • Process Improvement Teams
  • Work Groups or Natural Teams
  • Self-Managed Teams

Describe the Process Improvement Teams.

Organizations may form program management teams to work on projects to enhance or create new organizational processes. These groups express the purpose of accomplishing something distinct; they follow a detailed plan of action and agree upon a starting and ending date for their collaboration.

Explain the Work Groups or Natural Teams.

Collaborative groupings of people are tasked with carrying out a specific task. The idea behind the participatory method is that giving workers greater control over their functions would increase output.

Describe Self-Managed Teams.

The team itself handles the day-to-day operations of a self-managed procedure or department. They are given discretion over many different matters, including but not limited to protection, quality, management, scheduling, and people. In addition to the typical tasks associated with leadership, including goal-setting, assigning tasks, and resolving conflicts, they must also carry out these other responsibilities.

List the benefits Team processes offer to the organization.

  • Collaboration between experts to solve an issue or create a new process
  • Analyzing issues or prospects with objectivity
  • Initiation of interdisciplinary dialogue
  • Raised standards of excellence and efficiency
  • There Must Be More Creativity
  • Cost savings in production processes
  • More incredible dedication to the organization’s cause
  • Improved adaptability to new circumstances
  • Greater sense of responsibility and investment
  • Staff Turnover and Absenteeism Have Been Reduced

List the benefits Individuals can gain from the teams.

  • Able to solve problems more effectively
  • Acquiring a deeper understanding of human interactions
  • A broader understanding of how businesses function
  • Possessing these new abilities will equip you for future leadership responsibilities.
  • Improved work-life balance
  • Positive emotions of contentment and dedication
  • The feeling that one is a part of something bigger than oneself

What is the use of Multi-voting?

Multi-voting: A series of votes can narrow down a vast list of possibilities to the most pressing issues or a clear winner. Additionally, it enables a product to succeed that is widely liked but is not everyone’s first pick.

Give some reasons why Teams fail.

  • Lack of corporate commitment to fostering a culture of collaboration
  • Insufficient administrative structures to back up the team effort
  • There has been little forethought about the organization’s intended use of  teams.
  • Inadequate managerial training despite a rapid organizational change
  • Inadequate orientation to new responsibilities
  • flawed methods of incentive and pay
  • Inadequate instruction
  • Management has difficulty waiting for results.
  • Insufficient familiarity with the inner workings of groups

Define Quality tools.

Efforts at quality management and enhancement are referred to as quality tools. A quality tool may refer to an instrument or a methodology that supports and improves these efforts.

What are Stakeholders?

Stakeholders are local and regional communities, legislators, and local and external groups such as customers, memberships, suppliers, and consumers. In addition to purchasers and consumers, other stakeholders include entrepreneurs and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Define Stakeholder analysis.

Stakeholder analysis is an organization’s method to identify the most important people involved in a project or other activity, learn about those people’s perspectives, and encourage them to work with the project team.

Mention different types of Stakeholders.

Types of stakeholders are:

  • Primary: Individuals who benefit directly or suffer losses due to a company’s activities are considered beneficiaries.
  • Secondary: People who are not direct targets of a company’s activities.

List the Benefits of Creating a Stakeholder Analysis.

  • Establishes a solid foundation for identifying and prioritizing stakeholder concerns
  •  Provides avenues for influencing the opinions of other interested parties
  •  Facilitates a complete appreciation of the dangers that may exist
  •  Determines who needs to be kept in the loop throughout the project’s execution phase
  •  Finally, it raises awareness of problematic stakeholders and the damage they may do to a project.

Describe the Project planning tools.

The phrase “project planning tools” refers to frameworks and procedures developed to help groups complete large and small tasks. Organizations may manage and enhance crucial projects using project planning tools such as graphs and charts designed to keep tabs on development and provide access to trying out and modifying regular activities on a repeatable basis.

Define Gage repeatability and reproducibility (GR&R).

The reliability of a gauging device is evaluated using a technique called gauge reproducibility and repeatability, or GR&R for short. This technique ensures that the results are constant and can be repeated.

What is DMADV?

The data-driven quality management strategy known as “Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify (DMADV)” aims to develop new products or services that are interdependent with existing ones

Mention the three types of GR&R studies.

  • Crossed GR&R Study
  • Nested GR&R Study
  • Expanded GR&R Study

What is a Root cause analysis(RCA)?

What do we mean by “root cause analysis” (RCA)? It is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of techniques for getting to the bottom of problems.

What is the Law of Variation?

When there is a gap between a notion and its practical implementation, we say there is a Law of Variation. Variability or Variation often takes the form of slight shifts in data, projected outcomes, or manufacturing quality.

Where can you see Variations?

  • Variation usually occurs in four separate areas:
  • Firstly: Excusable Occasions
  • Secondly: Similar origins
  • Thirdly: Tampering
  • Lastly: structural diversity

When to use the PDCA Cycle?

Use the PDCA cycle when:

  • Should use the PDCA cycle when…
  • Initiating a brand-new renovation project
  • Generating a brand-new plan for an existing method, item, or service
  • Outlining the characteristics of a routine task
  • Methods of data collecting and analysis for prioritization and confirmation
  • Difficulties, or the origins of
  • Introducing any alteration
  • Constantly seeking ways to become better

When to use a Control chart?

Use the Control chart when:

Instances where you might make use of a Control chart are:

  •  It maintains command over current activities by monitoring and fixing pressing issues.
  •  Forecasting the likely range of results from a method
  • Determining a procedure is stable (in statistical control) or npt
  • Pattern analysis of process change due to either uncommon or frequent occurrences (built into the process)
  • To what extent should your quality improvement initiative focus on preventing particular issues or making fundamental improvements to the process?

What is DMAIC?

The Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) cycle is the method for enhancing the quality of processes involved in Lean Six Sigma. In addition, it is crucial to any Six Sigma quality improvement plan.

Mention the S’s?

  • Seiri
  • Seiton
  • Seiketsu
  • Shitsuke
  • Seiso

List the benefits of 5S.

  • increased security
  • Better Availability of Tools
  • Reduced frequencies of defects
  • A decrease in expense
  • Enhanced adaptability and agility in production
  • Raised spirits
  • More efficient use of resources
  • Improvement of the company’s reputation as one of its clients, suppliers, staff members, and upper management, in that order.

What is a quality plan?

A quality plan is a written document (or set of papers) that details quality-related aspects of a given product, service, project, or contract, such as standards, practices, resources, specifications, and the order of actions.

Name any Six Sigma Yellow Belt project examples.

Here are some lean six sigma yellow belt project examples

  • Should shorten surgical wait times.
  • Improving timeliness of Charge-and-Discharge Operations between affiliated parties
  • Patrons who make spontaneous purchases
  • When investing in costly machinery, a guarantee is a must.


We explained top lean six sigma yellow belt questions and respective lean six sigma yellow belt answers to you that will definitely help to ace yellow belt exams and interviews as well. Prepare yourself with the best and score well and become a lean six sigma yellow belt certified. For more information on Lean Six Sigma, visit Lean Partner now.